Apex Porting

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  • Apex Porting
  • Apex Porting
  • Apex Porting


RockYourGlock offers a unique system of porting semi-automatics by using 5 round ports through each side of the barrel and an oversized expansion vent through the slide to allow maximum dissipation without fouling. Shooters using RockYourGlock's "Apex" services do not experience the large flash of muzzle blast experienced with systems dumping larger volumes of gases through holes positioned across the center line. Law enforcement agencies and companies offering night sights have tested our porting service finding no increase in muzzle blast or night blindness attributed to our porting service. The wrist-wrenching recoil of a 10mm is controlled through the Apex porting making it feel more like an un-ported .45 ACP. The reduction in muzzle rise and felt recoil allows the .45 to be brought back on target in less time, which could be crucial in a firefight. Porting will make the gun more manageable and much more pleasant to shoot. On lighter calibers such as the 9mm, shooters find their primary benefit gained by a major reduction in muzzle rise.

Turn around is 5-6 weeks for the Apex Porting.

Not recomended for the singlestack models G42,43,43X,48

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2 Reviews

  • 5
    Love this company

    Posted by Brandon on 31st Jan 2022

    I'm EXTREMELY pleased with the customer service and care that I received my emails were responded to professionally and promptly answering all my questions and concerns the Apex porting really helped tame the snappieness of my G43 and I LOVE the coating that comes with the service its holding up really well customer for life !

  • 3
    Delta Elite a little better

    Posted by DannyO on 31st Jan 2022

    This style porting reduced felt recoil and muzzle jump a little. It definitely made the DE a little better to shoot but honestly I was not very impressed. I will try the c-porting next of a Glock 23 as I think it may be better. The work was high quality and my DE looks great with it.

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